25 July 2015

2015 - June 29-30 - Artistic Gymnastics - Romanian Junior 1 & 2 Teams Championship - Onesti

Cover picture: Corina Gaianu (C.S. Farul Constanta)


Accommodation (29 June 2015): Gallery 1Gallery 2Gallery 3Gallery 4Gallery 5

Competition (30 June 2015):

Level 3:

Gallery 6Gallery 7Gallery 8Gallery 9Gallery 10Gallery 11

Level 4:

Gallery 11Gallery 12Gallery 13Gallery 14

Level 5:

Gallery 15Gallery 16Gallery 17Gallery 18Gallery 19Gallery 20


Videos Playlists (Credit goes to all enthusiastic volunteers - fans and relatives of the gymnasts - who filmed almost all the routines! And thanks Ama-Puzzle Gymnastics and Oana-Puzzle Gymnastics for assembling and sharing the playlists!)

Level 3:

Level 4:

Level 5:

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